
(Low-cost) Inverted Pendulum Wheeled Robot

example graphic

This robot was made by myself as an experience to teach my fellow Tau Beta Pi members how to simply create a robot with inputs and outputs in order to test control algorithms in the real world.

The total cost was ~$40, with the majority of the cost including the IMU, motors, and arduino microcontroller. A better video will be uploaded soon of the robot working well!



Not officially a robot yet, but hopefully soon to be embodied. Ash-bot is a text based speech generator that is built from my facebook chat data. Phrases are generated with different diversity, making more unique(but less intelligible) sentences.

Ash-bot was created using deep-learning, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks. Currently the model operates with letter embeddings(opposed to encoding words).

Future tasks:

  • Bring in data from my texts, emails, etc.
  • Host chat-bot on this site that can be interacted with
  • Give Ash-bot a robotic body, training through time(potentially with reinforcement learning where emotional valence of words modulate rewards)
Show Example 1

----- Generating with seed: "                      my name is ash and"
                      my name is ash and go on could a court me but i have a come to she to the gets on my facuut that would be basecal that?

hahah its a long tomorrow

well that was an a probam dama and did?

i have a lot of stuff come to me me there

how do you know how it was it?

ohh ohh yeah, i cant gonna be day a febore tomorrow

i have that work!!


Show Example 2

----- diversity: 0.6
----- Generating with seed: "                  the meaning of life is"
                  the meaning of life is the right now

it sucks, i think i am anahta isnt the connow

what did you dont even with the bent the beat to kees in a asou friends, its gonna be a take a whole posters the probably mest the same in funny

then til you gonna try to make you can be there??

anything, im there anything it?

hey, im gonna strall out to the math me and when you want to find?

yeahh i teneraly baseball talk at is th


Show Example 3

what do you know the same to find out of the taste at all the other that she was and there are you got a party too

alright i was her that she was all the other that was the whole thing to the other the other the taste at all of the site


its a termind something to a telm to the morning to the same to make me tentions of the same to get the math home


Into the Closet - 2nd place in Hack UCSC, 2017

A virtual reality application that allows for you to scan your clothes into a virtual closet.

Pictures of clothes are cropped using computer vision to determine the edges.

Each picture is labelled using a pre-trained classification network, giving tags such as (red, dress) or (blue,shirt).

Initially, clothes are rendered in 2D and laid upon a 3D model, however topologically wrapping around the model is possible, or a 2D model too.


Slug Note - Hack UCSC, 2016

Beyond Geek - Hackathon Preview from Jowagi Productions on Vimeo.

My team created a crowd-sourced phone application for note taking. Our team was a large focus during an episod of Beyond Geek, airing on PBS.

Our goal was to allow college students and those interested in higher-level learning to share notes in an open manner. This would help further the ease and accessibility knowledge.

If someone desires to learn about organic chemistry, they can search and find "notebooks" of notes with similar tags, along with a rating system to help find high-quality results.