

My name is Ash, and I recently graduated from UC Santa Cruz, studying both Robotics Engineering and Cognitive Science.

I'm very passionate about creating new techniques to design artificial intelligence for controlling robots. I believe reinforcement learning and fields closely related have the potential to benefit humanity in ways we can't fathom yet.

Through my undergraduate career, I've worked for over 3 years in DANSER Lab, working on projects including:

  • a soft robotic exosuit
  • a soft, biologically-inspired manipulator(reinforcement and PID control)
  • analysis of learning in cortical organoids(mini brains grown from stem cells)
  • and many more

Future Work

Areas I'm interested in pursuing:

  • Adaptive reinforcment learning to modulate assistance for exosuits
  • Online learning of forward dynamic models for robots(adjusting to "injuries")
  • Exploring integration of multiple sensing modalities for accuracy in reinforcement learning
  • Robotic video-to-task demonstration
  • Semantic understanding of words to aid in hierarchical learning
  • Dynamic internal states(emotional states?)